Friday, February 01, 2013

Do you know MANNAM?

When Light meets Light there is Victory

This blog will save my memory with MANNAM.

As one of MANNAM members (MANNAMERs), I will post about my life with MANNAM.

Do you know MANNAM?(1)

Simply, MANNAM is a volunteer association. It started in 2003 in Seoul, Korea with 700 members. Now? MANNAM has more than 70,000 members in all over the world.  MANNAM has been serving domestically and internationally. MANNAM has held many events from 3 big national civilian festivals to many small events of branches. (Recently, in September 16th, 2012 MANNAM held an international festival I will post about it later!) MANNAM's ultimate goal is world peace. MANNAM doesn't care about the people's race, religion or culture. MANNAM just wants to be the one regardless of anything. It is the most fascinating point that makes me to go with MANNAM.

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