When Light meets Light there is Victory
This blog will save my memory with MANNAM.
As one of MANNAM members (MANNAMERs), I will post about my life with MANNAM.

What is MANNAM to me?
Few days ago, I went to southern part of Korea with MANNAM friends.
In the bus (It took almost 2 and half hours to go there!) I talked with my friends about MANNAM. And I talked with other friends about MANNAM during the trip. Today, I want to talk about what we feel about MANNAM as a MANNAM member.
1. MANNAM is break time.
MANNAM has various members. Some of us are students, some of us are teachers, some of us are workers, and some of us are professors. (Some of us like my friends are just 'I have no job' people. I envy them:->) All of us have our own life. We have our own jobs to do. It can be work, study or anything. Our common thought is this. "We enjoy the time with MANNAM." Everyday we have to live our lives, but when we are in MANNAM we can forget everything and just think about MANNAM. In this case, MANNAM can be anything. MANNAM can be free time, MANNAM can be volunteering or MANNAM can be a playing. We can do what we want in MANNAM. For me, I can hang out with friends in MANNAM. For my friend, he can travel with MANNAM. For my another friend, she can volunteer with MANNAM. How nice of it! We can do anything that we want. Freely. Without any suppression. MANNAM doesn't give any oppression that we have to do. MANNAM doesn't force us to do 'something'. (oh, sometimes they force us to do volunteering. But that is exception :P) I like MANNAM and so as my friends.
2. MANNAM is dream.
We can dream in MANNAM. As you know, MANNAM is a volunteering association. It means, we do volunteering works in MANNAM. MANNAM's goal is to make peaceful world. We believe that we can achieve world peace in MANNAM. All of MANNAM members hope world peace. We think through MANNAM we can do something that we only have been keeping in mind. I think world peace is a common dream that everybody who lives in the earth wants to achieve. Nobody wants war, nuclear thing or conflicts. (I don't want to talk about some people (or some organizations) who want the earth destroyed and vanished.) Because we live in this world. Before involved in MANNAM I thought world peace was vague thing. It was a just sweet dream that only ends with dream. However, I found the possibility of world peace. As I wrote in last post, I think one step can make another step. MANNAM is one step forward world peace. It can lead other steps forward world peace. Everybody gathers together and thinks about peace regardless of race, religion or boundary. How beautiful of it! I've never thought that I've come to think about 'possible world peace'. I feel warm heart in MANNAM. I think because I can find hope in MANNAM. MANNAM starts from MANNAM Korea. Now, MANNAM has two MANNAMs. MANNAM Korea and MANNAM International. If MANNAM ends in MANNAM Korea, I may not think that world peace is possible through MANNAM. However MANNAM spreads into all over the world. It starts in Korea, very small country compared to other big countries but it is branching out all over the world as a MANNAM International.
Who can blame MANNAM, If he or she totally understand the goal of MANNAM? I just feel sorry about someone who doesn't like peace. I wonder what they want to do ultimately. Is trying to make world peace bad thing? I want to ask them are you really want to make peaceful world. If they don't want world peace then i have no words to say :(
3. MANAM is a cozy home.
Every MANNAM members that I met is very kind, generous and lovely. Everybody will agree if they have joined any events of MANNAM. They want to distribute love to everyone without prejudice. Regardless of race, religion and boundary, people can be the one in MANNAM. So I feel happy when I am with MANNAM members. I hope many people come to MANNAM and find that kindness and coziness.
Because MANNAM is very precious to me, I hope other people also think MANNAM as precious. I hope many people from all around the world know about MANNAM and join MANNAM. MANNAM can be a beginning point of world peace if people look MANNAM without prejudice. Please think about our ultimate goal. Join with us ! Make peaceful world!
Meeting is a purely volunteer organization.Efforts around the world so that people can unite to serve the community and neighbors, the meeting is a good organization.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds good :)
DeleteI hope many people would think about volunteering^^~
mannam voluntee's fantastic!!!
ReplyDeletewelcome join us!!!
Welcome join us :D!!!
DeleteMannam is very precious, thanks
ReplyDeleteYeap MANNAM is precious to all of us :)
DeleteMannam wish world peace^^
ReplyDeleteWe all wish world peace! :D
Deletemannam is very good
DeleteEncounter a great volunteer organizations.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear that!